V Hiši eksperimentov se boste v času Znanstivala
lahko udeležili sledečih predavanj:
Science Right Under Your Nose
Phenomena we often see but never pay attention to
Sobota 1. 6. ob 20:00
Are you aware of those common phenomena we see on everyday basis and never pay attention to?
Are you aware of the strange questions they raise?
We'll discuss some such phenomena, resolve the associated questions, and encourage you to watch them again.
One question, though, will remain hanging in midair: Why have we disregarded them so far?
Happy Birthday!
Petek 31. 5. ob 20:00 ter sobota 1. 6. ob 18:30
Celebrating a decade since the first Znanstival we will consider the Birthday Conundrum as well as other math&Logic riddles associated with birthday party.
Eclipse-Made Superstar
Nedelja 2. 6. ob 18:30
A century ago this week Lord Eddington conducted his historic observation of starlight deflection by the sun. Due to the small deflection one had to wait for total solar eclipse, travel to its location, hope it will be clear and take pictures via the telescope.
This way Eddington confirmed Einestein's General Relativity for the first time, and turned Einstein into a Superstar overnight.
We will mention some other GR confirming experiments, and conduct ourselve one toward the end of the session.
Priprta vrata pomenijo, da bo vstop v Hišo eksperimentov možen ob sledečih, fiksnih terminih:
Petek, 31. 5.
ob 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00
Sobota, 1. 6.
ob 10:00, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00
Nedelja, 2. 6.
ob 10:00, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00
Nakup kart je možen
v naprej za tekoči dan. Vstopnina vključuje ogled hiše eksperimentov in ogled dogodka, ki je takrat na sporedu.
Oglejte si razpored dogodkov v Hiši eksperimentov.